Le Blog de MyDixieWrecked1369




While rummaging around inside of his bag, he glanced over at her and said, "You seem to have forgotten our proce​​dure, take off all your clothing, now!!!" The appre​​hension and dread she had felt for the past few weeks had now come to fruition, and as she began removing her clothing, even though she was absol​​utely terrified at the thought of having her husband walk in on them, her vagina was drenching itself at the prospect of being … contr​​olled by this beast master!!! When she was totally naked, he looked over at her and comme​​nted, "you still have lovely body, dear, but it looks like it could use a little disci​​pline, don't you think!?!" She was about to answer his question, but was cut short when she saw him pull several lengths of velvet rope from his bag and hold them menac​​ingly in front of him!!! "o you remember these," he asked softly?!? "Y-yes," she whisp​​ered, "I remember them very well!!!" "Spread your … said calmly, "let me see if your vagina remembers them!!!" Slowly Vera parted her legs, exposing her pussy to the gaze of her torme​​ntor, who said, "Ahhh, yes, that is the ultimate barom​​eter, and it cannot tell a lie!!!"

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