Le Blog de badassholeness



You're in control

We make choices in life, we decide where we want to live, who our friends will be, who will be our next soul mate. When the heart and brain is conflicting I choose the brain as my rational side in dealing with a situation....the heart means well but it gets broken too easily, too quickly and too often.....don't get burned by fake love.....be respectful and cautious....get to know the person you want to be with, sometimes pushing a button may elicit a response that you weren't prepared for but gets you wondering what other unprepared behavior will pop up next.....everyone puts their best foot forward and then the relationship may head south in a hurry if you are not careful....truly have a meaningful conversation and truly keep the open communication OPEN!!!!!!! Be honest about your true feelings, never lie....keep your dignity...walk away....if things are not working out...be true to yourself first....don't be someone you're not....respect is a two way street.....NEVER CHEAT IN A RELATIONSHIP

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