Le Blog de Hillsboro21



My life

I am currently attending Spoon River College to attain my nursing degree. I like to sing to music i don't even know. I laugh when other people get hurt and I would expect the same from everyone else. I am a strong believer that things can always be worse. I sometimes twitch. I have a soft spot in my heart for retarded animals. I think that people who hold a grudge are dumb. I sometimes get bored and shave words into my chest hair. I like to make people laugh. Stubbing your toe is always funny. Good friends are like crack they always keep you coming back for more. Chocolate cake is always considered a breakfast food!! Every one does stupid things, it does not matter what you do as long as you can fix it at the end; and yes you can fix anything if you put your mind to it!! Life is too short to be … off. Always ask questions no point wondering. Fishing is a contact sport. Driving a car in a circle is not a sport. Don't ask a guys opinion we don't like to get in trouble, Smiling hurts my face, but its so much fun. My left hand sucks at most things. I can snap my toe, you know like your fingers. Smile and always be happy.

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