
hombre (34) de Poughkeepsie, New York buscando mujer.

No uso Icebreaker para conectar con la gente.

Icebreaker me ayuda a contactar con nuevos miembros en los que estoy interesado.

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Any 1 close to NY?
  • belladella1985: Well.... I'm on Long Island. Which, technically speaking, is part of NY.... Right?🤷🏾‍♀️
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Any1 here actually tryin to meet or talk???
  • belladella1985: I mean... If I meet someone I can actually connect with on a friendship level, I have no issue with either talking or meeting 🤷🏾‍♀️
  • wmo89: Understandable but maybe its just me this is dying for that here lol
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Any1 want to meet up??
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Kick wmo89
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Getting bored with this site what happed to it
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New vids
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