
mujer (39) de Huntington, West Virginia buscando hombre.

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Icebreaker me ayuda a contactar con nuevos miembros en los que estoy interesado.

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  • jack6625: I love the whole all of that ass
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Cant wait for that T.I.P concert #2&Geeked Comin to tha C.0(-:
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I can read and send messages again Yess!!um glad they fixed that problem lol
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need some #BBD In my life right about now #pussy phening
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Ummm Horny as Fu¢k!!#Need dis PusSy bust open(Sum Phat to Fill her appetite:}…and mineNahMean(:
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Fellas cant read messages for some reason idk wtf is going on because ladies are suppost to be free smh and now it say i have to be premium:\wtf
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