
mujer (27) de Lapel, Indiana buscando mujer, hombre, pareja.

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Over 1,000 friends in 3 days thanks for all the love I hope I can share it well
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I can't believe I have over 800 new friends in just 2 days
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I've never expressed my feelings but for years I've felt the biggest attraction to my best friend and I don't know what she'd do if she knew but I feel like the confused feelings aren't one sided
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lissastuLissa colgó contenido por {otherUser}
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Ladies don't waste wishes on boys and diamonds; we wish for poise and guidance
  • lissastu: @aande28 this status update is a personal quote I created to remind myself that materialistic possessions and shallow relationships are not what I should be chasing in life. You literally know nothing about me other than seeing a status I post on fuckbook... If you think you can fully judge my character based solely on your one assumtion then it just goes to prove my point. You are so closed minded that you jumped to assume I was downing men or anything with this post, I guess diamonds are going to be butt hurt with me too? As fore mentioned, this quote is to be reminded that the mentalities you carry with you throughout your life should be far more valued than shallow possessions or vague personal connections, I try to live my life with more merit than the mundane standards most people are accompanied by. Thanks for your shitty self centered assumptions about me though, now grow up learn to read because only an illiterate prick would think what you said to be true.
  • hardbal73: Dam
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