ShrutiSinghRajputShruti En línea recientemente

mujer (30) de Australia, Australia buscando mujer, hombre, pareja.

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Mindfulness Practice – Connecting with a Tree

Is there a tree you walk by regularly? Maybe somewhere on your daily commute? You might have passed this tree by and ignored it hundreds of times in your life already.

The next time you are passing, intentionally slow down as you approach the tree, then stop for a few moments. Stop.

First, feel the contact between your feet and the earth. Connect with the sensations of the breath for a few moments. This isn’t complicated. Simply be aware of what it feels like to breath. You might repeat the phrase “breathing in, I know I’m breathing in”, “breathing out, I know I’m breathing out”. How often in your life are you “aware” of the breath in this way?

Over time this tree may start to feel like an old friend.

A daily practice of gratitude and cultivating a connection with nature may increase your own sense of well-being and reduce stress.

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Society – The soil in which we grow

In order for any plant to grow and flourish to its full potential, it needs the right conditions. The soil is all important. Everything grows in the soil. If the soil is good and you have the right amount of sunshine and water everything takes care of itself. Nature follows its own course. We don’t…

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Be such a girl who has a mind, be a woman who has attitude and a lady who has a class.
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