Blog de Oneleftnut



Serena Part 1

While I was walking down the street, I spied this little gal. Her reddish colored hair shimmered in the sunlight. As I approached her, I could tell that she was having a rough day. I smiled and said “Why so glum, on such a nice day?” She looked up at me and smiled. “It’s just one of those days.” she replied.

I introduced myself and kissed her hand. “My name is Serena, ” she told me. “What a pretty name,” I replied.

“It’s a beautiful day for a walk, come with me, maybe it will take your mind off your worries,” I said. The park was just down the street so I grabbed her hand and we started our little journey.

As we entered the park I asked Serena what was on her mind. “Nothing really, just having problems with some of my friends,” she said, “Why do you care?” “You’re a pretty gal with a troubled look and I like to help people,” I stated, “But if you don’t want to discuss it, I understand, we’ll just enjoy the walk.” We were half way through the park when we stopped and sat down.

She grabbed my hand and put her head on my shoulder. I heard her start to sob quietly.

I put my arm around her and held her tight, offering her some simple comfort. She whispered in my ear “ No one understands me.” She began to tell me about what was going on.

I told her to come back to my room; we can relax in the pool or hot tub. “ But I don’t have a swim suit,” she stated. “I’m sure that I can come up with something,” I replied. Serena thought for a moment and agreed to my offer and we started off for the motel.

The room wasn’t much but it had direct access to the enclosed pool. It was a Saturday and the timing was right, the pool was empty. I found a tank top and a pair of boxers that she could wear. Serena appeared to be a little timid at first. She went into the bathroom to change. As she came out she commented on how well the outfit actually looked. She could tell by the smile on my face that I too was pleased.

We made our way out the sliding glass door to the hot tub. I put one hand on her shoulder and brushed her well-rounded ass. We set the timer to the max and climbed in.

I then asked her to tell me more about her troubles. She explained to me that she has a fetish that some don’t understand. “Try me,” I blurted “ You never know who understands you unless tell them.” It was then when she explained that she wants someone to paddle her bare bottom. And maybe even be tied up. Not too much pain but a lot of pleasure. I told her that everyone has fetishes and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

The thoughts that were running through my mind were very kinky and erotic. This girl didn’t know it but she struck the jackpot.

We sat in the hot tub until the timer expired and jumped into the pool. We swam and played for about a half hour and decided to go back to the room to relax. She went to the shower first. I heard the water start to run and the door open. Serena put her hand out and motioned for me to come to her. “Come on in the waters fine,” she said in a sexy voice.

I knew I would have to act fast. I pulled a special bag out of the closet and placed it beside the bed and made my way to the shower.

My jaw drop when I pulled the shower curtain back. Her skin was so soft and creamy. She had perky breasts and her nipples had started to get hard. I stepped into the shower and pulled her close. With both hands on her cheeks I leaned forward and kissed her. Her tongue found its way into my mouth as mine did hers. My hands began to roam over her beautiful body. Her hands also began to explore.

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