Blog de Slutwife-and-Hubby



On the Word Slut

This is the slutwife.

Many people seem to find the word slut extremely offensive. I don't. I'm a slut, and I'm okay with that.

First, if someone doesn't want to be called a slut. Then don't. It's that simple. If their name is Nicholas and they don't like being called "Nick" then you shouldn't call them that either. It's common decency.

Next, let's look at some definitions:

- Oxford says it is "A woman who has many casual sexual partners." That's definitely me.

- Websters says "a promiscuous woman" (that's me) "especially : … (not me). I don't know why they lump in … here, but I'd say that the basic definition still fits me.

- Websters also says "a saucy girl : minx" which is definitely me.

-, the least trustworthy of the bunch says "an immoral or dissolute woman; … which is NOT me.

In the end, I sleep with more than one person, and I'm proud of that. My husband WANTS me to sleep with more than just him. I'm not bad, but I am a slut. I'm not immoral, but I am a slut. I'm not a … and if you solicited me with money I'd be somewhere between … and extremely offended...but I am a slut.

I'm a slut just like hubby wants me to be, and I'm proud of that.

  • agoodboy469: If you like it, then it's fair game, but I do find it offensive when there is a beautiful women that doesnt ask for it and suddenly guys are calling her a slut..the model is simple here, treat a lady like she wants to be treated
  • Slutwife-and-Hubby: Exactly. There's also a time and a place. I want to be respected and trrated like a lady in public, and treated like a slut in private (or semi-private)
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