masterdracion's Blog




She walks through the shadows of the trees from the full bright moon. Wishing she didn't have to wait so long before leaving work. She hates walking at night for fear some beast may attack her. The wind blows rustling the dead dry leaves lying on the path. She glances over her shoulder and just catches the glimpse of something shadowy in the distance. She steps a lil faster not sure what it is. With every rustle she quickens her pace not knowing what lies behind her. She hears a twig snap and she bursts out in to a full sprint knowing thar some hungery beast is almost upon her. As she runs through the trees her path disappears, she gets lost and disoriented and trips over a branch laying on the ground. She hurriedly stands to her feet, only to feel warm breath on the back of her neck. She goes to bolt only to be grasped be the throat and thrown to the ground. She tries to scramble away only to be dragged by her feet and thrown over an old rotting tree. Out of breath she feels her pants being tore off in one smooth motion. She kicks out only to catch empty air. Then she feels the persure on her throat again keeping the air from her lungs. She feels a painful burn as something enters her sacred untouch petals. She screams in fear after a few thrust those screams of fear subside to screams of pleasure. When she orgasims for the first time its so intense she can't speak or move. She feels the eruption inside her as his seed is spilt. As she slowly recovers her senses all she sees is a shadow moving through the trees.

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