
άνδρας (42) από Waterford, Ireland ψάχνει γυναίκα.

Δεν χρησιμοποιώ το Icebreaker για να συνδεθώ με ανθρώπους.

Το Icebreaker με βοηθά να επικοινωνήσω με νέα μέλη που με ενδιαφέρουν.

Έναρξη Συνομιλίας
Αποστολή Δώρου

temperature between the tree's

its a sunny saturday evening as i walk along the mountain side , having pitched the tent earlier and collected the fire wood i can sit and admire the view and enjoy the peace and quiet for a while . watching cars passing up along the twisting mountain roads and people walking over to the waterfall and taking photographs. its a beautiful evening , lovely and warm . people in their t shirts and shorts enjoying a rare treat . taking the drink from my bag and refreshing my mouth i decide to start heading back to camp .

Picking my way slowly down the mountain side and crossing the waterfall before heading down stream . waving and saying hello to strangers , tourists maybe . as i disappear into the forest , between the tree's . bending under branch's as i push others to the side as i make my way threw . the heat and humidity in amongst them is quiet higher than out in the open air . i stop and take the bag from my back , opening it and taking a drink i put the bottle on the ground . stripping off my clothes and putting them in the bag before taking one last drink as i head off again towards camp . its amazing how refreshing it is while walking naked threw the woods . the warm fresh air revolving around your body keeping it cool . i have to cross back over the stream to get to camp which is still about an hour away . keeping an eye out before i cross as it is out in the open and nudity here could land me in trouble if caught plus ruin my fun for ever more up here . waiting patiently for around five minutes , listening carefully before i jump from one rock to the next as i cross the stream . jumping onto the opposite bank and back into the trees . i don't think i have been seen so carry on walking .

after about ten minutes or so i come to the old stone wall , i decide to sit down for a minute and just chill out . looking around but not really at anything in particular something catch's my eye . without been to obvious i turn away to the side . watching from the corner of my eye i see something moving between the tree's . i can't see it clearly enough to have any idea of what it may be . i sit still for a while , listening carefully for any noise of movement or sound . i decide to try catch a better look at what it may be so stand up and head off away from camp . if something is following me i know where i will be able to bring them to see what it is .

i see the clearing up ahead and can still feel a presence behind me . seeing shadow's between others still unable to see clearly . i walk around the edge of the clearing trying to entice what ever it is closer . never looking behind me so as not to give the game away . they are close enough for me to hear but still not see . they move so quietly between the tree's . i take the bag from my back and take out the drink . as i sip from the bottle i spin around as i look up to the sky , trying to catch a glimpse of what ever has been following me .

i see the branchs of a fallen tree move and flicker gently back and forth . i know have an idea of where they are . asi close my bag up and throw it over my shoulder i walk back in the direction of the fallen tree . if they are there will they run or will they hide . slowly walking up towards it i can see threw the branchs and see someone crouched behind it . walking past it as if i haven't seen anything or know they are there . counting to five and then i turn around .

amazed with what i am seeing , i walk back over . excitement fuelled adrenalin rushs around my body . with what has been happening for the last hour and now seeing her i have become slightly aroused and my dick is starting to throb gently now . standing over her i ask her to stand up and look me in the eye . slowly getting to her feet , she runs her eye's up over my body before gazing into mine . i ask her one simple question , do you want to come with me into the woods . as she … quietly her lips part as she gives her reply , a quiet and straight forward id follow you anywhere .

i tell her to follow me she must remove her clothes first . as she strips naked and places her clothes in my bag , her body shines in the shadows of the falling sun between the tree's . i take her by the hand and lead her back to camp . admiring her , watching her body in the evening sun , feeling the heat from her smile and anticipating her wettness inside . .....

happy new year to all hope ye get bent over and fucked side ways hehe