
άνδρας (34) από Washington, District of Columbia ψάχνει γυναίκα.

Δεν χρησιμοποιώ το Icebreaker για να συνδεθώ με ανθρώπους.

Το Icebreaker με βοηθά να επικοινωνήσω με νέα μέλη που με ενδιαφέρουν.

Έναρξη Συνομιλίας
Αποστολή Δώρου
  • Nikkdaquick6989: So what Are you doing on here I don't see any dick pics ???
Man oh Man seems like a lot of people on here think I'm young an that I'm lying about my age lol OK
  • bigmeattime: I'm 3 years away from 30 I'm a college graduate with a Degree in Graphic design and I'm in the Law Enforcement career field

My goals

Hello everyone I am … I enjoy what I do I just love to help my community out any way I can. I have my associate degree in Graphic Design my ultimate goal is to be on the SRT team Swat and I'm also a trader for Marketworld its great I enjoy it.

Hello just got in from work what everyone doing ?