
άνδρας (32) από Kingston, Jamaica ψάχνει γυναίκα.

Δεν χρησιμοποιώ το Icebreaker για να συνδεθώ με ανθρώπους.

Το Icebreaker με βοηθά να επικοινωνήσω με νέα μέλη που με ενδιαφέρουν.

Έναρξη Συνομιλίας
Αποστολή Δώρου
My premium ended who can help me out


App me text me call me am all yours I wanna fuck so bad am horny as hell

A girl just told me to eat her cookie cause its good "fo" em" me she talking I'd eat it as long as u want
I have a secret the first time I ate pussy was when I was 5
I want a real woman whose not afraid to meet up
I have blue balls
Have U had sex till your done but your body wants more