yellowdiamondJessie Lee

Weiblich (34) aus Adelaide, Australia sucht nach Mann.

Ich nutze Icebreaker nicht, um Kontakt zu anderen Menschen herzustellen.

Icebreaker hilft dabei, neue Mitglieder zu kontaktieren, an denen ich interessiert bin.

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Bored *le sigh*
  • nukkan: I would much rather that to, while your riding my cock
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so hot today! would much prefer to be lazing around a home with nothing but the air con on
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Having a bad day Need something to distract me...
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Had so much fun last night! But I'm suffering today... Who knows a good hangover cure??
  • gazza91: Big hangover ul have to up the dosage we might have to do it a few times
  • hotfunsa: sex is good
  • hotfunsa: like 2 chat offline? send a message with contact babe mmm very interested
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Can't find anything to wear to my Christmas party tonight... Maybe I should just go naked
  • yellowdiamond: Hmmm I dont remember an invitation to your place, so I guess it will only be the guys I work with that get to see the show
    (p.s did you see the pics I put up? Guess which one reminded me of you lol)
  • yellowdiamond: LOL that remains to be seen!
  • funboy100: Why not , …
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