SometimesexualNOT looking for men! No pic, no msg, don't request.

Männlich (65) aus Falmouth, Michigan sucht nach Frau, Paar.

Ich nutze Icebreaker nicht, um Kontakt zu anderen Menschen herzustellen.

Icebreaker hilft dabei, neue Mitglieder zu kontaktieren, an denen ich interessiert bin.

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3 more days of winter... wouldn't you know I am still horny at my age. Can't wait to see the scantilly dressed women when it gets warm.
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Repost.... from the past.

Do you know that feeling...

when you finally sift through all the people who are not who they say, who want you to cam with them, who just plain annoy the crap out of you. And you find someone who talks to you, relates to you and you don't know how to react. That has happened twice to me in the past week. Not going to jump up and down to celebrate, but I hope it wasn't blind luck. Thank you to those women who restored some semblance of optimism. No names, just a smile back at them.

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When you see...

...the exact same pics on two different profiles in the same day. It kind of makes you wonder. Who stole whose pics? Or are they both using internet pics?

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