CuriousLibidos Blog



Body Language

Body language can be very telling, and in some ways, can tell more than words. To put this to the test and to spice things up a little bit, Nathan texted his partner at work, that he wanted to try something with her that night .

"I've been thinking I'd like to try something tonight if you're up for it.", Nathan wrote in his message to her.

"Oh really, what did you want to try?"

"I've been thinlking about body language and I wanted to see if we can have an entire night where we don't speak."

"Oh.", he could tell this wasn't what she had been hoping for by her very curt response in her text.

"Oh don't worry it's more than just that, but that's the only rule. From the point we each get home, there's no communication by speech or text."

"Hmmm, interesting. What made you want to try this out?", she replied.

"Been reading about body language in an article and it gave me an idea that it might be used for more.... recreational purposes."

"So if you come home and I were to be naked when you walked in the door, you can't say anything. If I were to unbutton your pants while you're still standing in the entry way and play with your manhood, feeling it grow from the sight of me, and hold it in my hands, you couldn't say anything?".

"Uh, well I'm pretty sure you'd get a moan from me, haha. Don't forget it goes both ways though missy. You'll never know what is coming next, I may just lead you into the living room, push you down onto the couch, spread your legs apart and plant one broad lick over your entire sex, stopping lightly on that soft, sensative little clit of yours."

"amnit, is work over yet?"

"Haha, no not yet, close though I'll grab some stuff for supper on the way home though. you ok with steak and some sort of veggie?"

"You know I enjoy your meat. " she replied back playfully.

"Haha, alrighty, then, meat it is. Gotta get back to work, see you after."

Nathan put away his phone and started to resume his, now seemingly quite mundane, tasks at work. Work seemed even less capable of holding his attention now, thinking about random things he wanted to try that night. Then he heard his phone chime again at a new message arrival.

"Curse you, now I'm wet again! You're terrible, you know that?", it read.

"As if you actually wanted me to stop. ", he replied back.

"Not on your life. Later!", read her last message.

The rest of the day went rather uneventfully for Nathan, at least as far as work was concerned. His mind was very much elsewhere at times. It felt like time was definitely slowing down as he anticipated the clock hitting the end of his work day when he could finally head home. He timed it so that all of the tasks he was working on would finish right at the end of his shift, or at least were rescheduled for the next day if more work was still needed. But in spite of his best efforts, someone came into his office about quarter-to, with a small emergency that cused him to have to stay later than he had planned, which was practically … As soon as it was done, he was out of there in no time at all.

On the way home, Nathan stopped at the grocery store to pick up half a dozen odds and ends; including some steaks and some frozen veggies he could throw in the microwave. He figured attending to a stove may prove problematic tonight so wanted something he could set and forget. Sarah would have been home already by now so she would have to follow the no-communication rule, but he figured he'd tease her a little bit since by his own rule, he wasn't home yet and was not subject to the restriction. So he sent her a text...

"On my way home with meat in tow. It's just waiting to to be tasted, savoured, and have those delicious juices enveloping your mouth." Sarah liked the way he cooked a steak and he felt this was a particularly devious innuendo, as he was typing out the description of the meal. His last message consisted of three icons from the list of emoji's available on their phones. A picture of a car, one of a tongue and one of a volcano. They did this every so often, though sometimes she used the one that resembled a tidal wave as they had both recently discovered she could squirt quite intensely when the mood was right. It was something she hadn't done very often with other guys before, and as she had told him, never with such intensity as they had discovered.

After Nathan got home, well... lets just say the groceries sat in the front entry way for a few hours before they were ever dealt with...

Sarah's phone chimed as she was getting out of the shower. She cursed the fact that she could not respond with something to tease him after reading the messages. Instead, she decided to not get dressed after drying off and instead just put on a house coat. Two can play at this game.

A few minutes later she heard the door open, and close again, as she was sitting on the couch watching a little bit of TV to kill time. It wasn't the best way to keep her imagination occupied, but she was trying to keep her self contained until Nathan got home. While she loved the way she got so wet when they teased each other, she wanted to wait until she could reciprocate the torturous sensation he had started with her.

She stood up and walked out to the front door area and saw Nathan as he was taking off his jacket. He had just hung it in the closet and turned in time to see her standing there with both arms raised out, with a hand resting on each wall at her sides. She had, just in time, rerranged the house coat to … a little open at the top and bottom but still have the waist tied. He stood there wideeyed and didn't really move for a few seconds, exactly the response she was hoping for. As he moved towards her, she turned and flipped the house coat around herself. Facing away from him, she peered over her shoulders behind her, lifted one hand up by her cheek as she looked back and gestured with her index finger to come closer. She was determined to have control this time.

She could tell he was enjoying this, but suspended the expression on her face gave away that she was enjoying herself just as much, and she'd had time to orchestrate. His hand flitterd out to her thigh and for the house coat, but she pulled away quickly as she spun to face him, bending towards him, wiggling one finger in the air in a non approving way and gave him an expressin on her face that was meant to convey the equivilant of 'Not so fast mister.' Of course as she did this, she was leaning forward and her chest was mostly exposed so he could see into the housecoat, which was her way of flaunting what she was intended to let him have, but not until she was good and ready to do so.

She raised her hand and with two fingers outstretched, and made a gesture of bringing her hand back to her own face, and dragging them over her eye lids, closing them as she did. He followed the queue, and closed his eyes. Nathan didn't get to see much for a while after that.

He could feel his shirt being undone from the front, and then being slowly being pushed back over his shoulders as it slipped down each arm. Next his belt was jostled as he felt it being unfastened, and the pin being slipped out of its notch in the belt. He could hear the sound of it sliding through the hoops and the sensation of it's snugness disappearing from around his waist in a circle as it passed through each loop in turn before being pulled free. He felts the hands dragging over his chest and around to his back, both being slid down under the lip of his pants and firmly squeezed his butt, he let out a light startled moan in approval. The hands slid around his waist and then flipped, palms out, with the fingers still on the inside of his pants, and deftly made short work of the button at the top, ending with drawing the zipper downwards. He assumed she was cutting to the chase now as her hands pulled down the pants and underwear from around his waist in one fell swoop, ending with the feeling of them hitting the floor around his ankles. A twitch of his groin muscles made his manhood jump as she was admiring him immediate after. With a sound from her that he figured most closely resembled a non verbal form of 'yum'. She let her lips begin to explore his shaft up and down, very quickly causing it to go from already being firm, to being completely hard. For a few minutes he stood there, feeling her mouth slide up and down his thick sex. He could even tell that she took him very deeply a few times. He knew she had a sensitive gag reflex, but she still did it, and could feel her gag a few times as her throat constricted around his shaft. She enjoyed pleasing him this way, and had expressed on occasion that she sometimes wished it wasn't so touchy when she went deep like that. The fact that he knew she did it anyway, even though it was difficult for her, was something he was always very fond of, though he never came out and said it.

After a while she let him slide out of her mouth and tried to suck the trailing bit of wetness from his shaft as best she could, and began to move up his chest to rest he hand on the side of his cheek. He slowly brought his head forward again and opened his eyes, and mouthed the word 'Wow' with out making a sound.

She grinned at him happily, and as she did he raised one hand and held up a singer finger to gesture for her to wait for a second. He briefly left the front entry way and went over to the living room closet. It typically held board games, blankets for snuggling up on the couch and a few appliances that hardly ever got used any more, but

after rummaging for a few seconds he emerged with what appears to be rope. They had talked about an interest in doing something like being tied down on the bed in the past, but she hadn't expected it tonight.

Oh this was going to get interesting very quickly...

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