Justthick28117s blog



Meeting the Greek God fantasy pt1


9:26am New York

Lani sat patiently in the conjoining cafe of the airport, sipping her cappuccino and waiting for her flight.

She was travelling overseas for her business as temporary promoter of their products. It was a dream come true to travel around the world, even for work purposes. She read over her list of places to visit/promote.

1. Madrid, Spain

2. Paris, France

3. Bangkok, Thailand

4. Shanghai, China

5. Quezon City, Philippines

6. Oradea, Romania

7. Thessaloniki, Greece

She was very happy about Greece, as she had extended family there and missed them dearly (she's Greek/Polynesian). Once there, she planned to stay much longer.

Then she heard her flight get called. She finished her drink, grabbed her onboard bag, and headed down the terminal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

5 months later 6:43pm Thessaloniki, Greece

Lani fell back onto the bed of her hotel suite, a smile across her face. Finished with promoting their products and excessive meetings(all with success), she now had time for a very long and much needed vacation. She called her great aunt that morning to surprise them with her visit. To say she was welcomed with open arms would be an understatement. They prepared a huge party and gifts for her! Her uncle and cousins(8 of them) begged her to stay with them as the acreage of their home had 5 small but beautiful homes on it. Lani said she would likely consider it.

After the party, she still had a lot of extra energy left, so one cousin suggested she go to the extravagant nightclub across the street from the hotel. Lani thought for a bit, then got up, slid on a red party dress and simple heels, put some eyeliner and lip gloss on, grabbed her clutch and left the hotel.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

9:19pm The Nightclub

Lani smiled sadly as she watched many couples out on the dance floor, having a great time. It has been nearly 7 years since she danced. Not since her fiance left her. She never went on dates or had ONS. No intimacy for 7 years. She just dove into her work hard everyday. At 28, she knew she was not getting younger, but she promised to not look for love. Let love find her.

She watched the couples dance then decided to call it a night. Just as she was going to finish her drink, she felt someone come over and sit on the stool next to her. Curiously, and nonchalantly, she looked over and suddenly her jaw dropped.

This man was absolutely gorgeous!!! His features, though a bit feminine, were godlike. His build was above average and he was at least 6"1'. He had a powerful and intimidating aura radiating from him, but she felt oddly protected by him. He ordered a beer and 2 shots. She continued to stare uncontrollably until. . .

"You like what you see?" said the man with a smirk.

Immediately she turned away and blushed in embarassment. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"That depends on what I like to see."

He burst out laughing at that and she blushed harder, hoping he would ignore her afterward. Not a chance. He calmed down and shook his head, smiling.

"Never have I ever had a woman say that to me." he winked, "not even a pretty one."

Lani just smiled softly. He offered his hand,

"Name's Aris, short for Aristotle." she accepted, "Mine is Lani. Pleasure to meet you." "Oh, likewise." he looked out on the dance floor then back to her with a soft smile, "So would you like to dance with me?"

Yes or no?

Extra ~ ~ ~

'I have found my queen at last. This time though I won't ever leave her alone again'


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