BANGcock100s blog




They ask for money to be sent. There are many variations on this, the most common ones being they want to meet you but need money for transportation or gas to get there. Another common one is they are an … and want you to send money for services up front. They will NOT showup.

They ask for gift cards to be sent.

They try to get you to enter credit card into a phishing website. Often claiming it is just for age verification and that the services (ie Camgirl) are free.

They try to get you to trade naughty pics that show both your face and private parts in same picture. If you do this, they then try to blackmail you, saying they will post the pics to social media (and/or send to family/friends) if you do not send them a large sum of money.

They immediately start calling you a term of endearment (ie baby, babe, dear).

When trading pics for first time they claim you are the most attractive person.

They refuse to chat with you via a live video chat or voice program. Or when chatting they are missing video or sound. They do not respond to your visual queues such as waving. These are pre-recorded videos. They always claim there is something wrong with their phone or computer as the reason why they cannot do this.

They want you to join them on an (Asian) chat platform. These chat apps cost a lot of money.

They claim to be working for UNICEF.

They claim to be stranded/from another country in (Africa) (Ghana). Or have relatives living there.

They claim their parent(s) are dead and they inherited something from them. Later they will ask for large sums of money to claim this inheritance and share it with you.

They have a city listed on their profile but after learning where you are say they are in or near your city and want to meet you.

They do not know common facts in your home country, such as names of large cities or current events happening there. They get confused by simple questions or take a very long time to answer.

They do not understand common terms and phrases in your native language.

They keep changing their story and then try to correct themselves. (Ie say they … and then later say they do not …

They print large walls of text about virtues and values, often times religious or about the roles of men and women.

I'm sure I missed a few here. Please add ones you have come across below.

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