snowsnowbears blog



To guys who looking for girlfriend:

I have been this site about couple of years,understand some guy who look for more than sex,some relationship,ture love,it means girlfriend.

So ,,,,I hope I can give u some tips for u to get ur girlfriend.

1.Dont just stay at this site.And don't just stay at ur computer or phone app.

This world is bigger than ur phone or ur computer can make.Internet can make you more choice about girls but didn't mean u can get more chance to have girlfriend.

2.Make a life goal without girls or family.Just only for yourself and the world.

How can you get more chance to get girlfriend?

Girls don't just want a guy have only penis or money(If did then I pretty sure that's not ture love),they like you have everything:life,adventure,cool stuff,special,healthy.

So make a life goal,go out side! Go to travel/Have a adventure/make a cool car/Go to singing/Save some animals.Make more experience ,Feel more stuff,Get more feeling, Those experience like a money from ur pocket,I didn't mean u need to earn a lot money ,go get ur goal.

3.Try to talk to more people in real life.

Not only talk to ur friends or ur family,is people u didn't know.

Communication,make u understand more about a people,it can help u a lot for ur life goal and make girl a girlffriend~

Dont worry about for first talk with someone,because u need to learn how to communication,if u lost some friends or some people or some girls because of ur talk or what u did,IS FINE because u are doing who u turly are !

Dont be fake,Dont be worry,then u will get surprise.

4.Love yourself more than girl before u in relationship.

Hmmmmmm,,,,,,,,Beside ur family,no one love u before u love urself.

Again:Girls like a guy not only have penis and money.

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