sansmitt Nedávno online

žena (39) z města Erts, Andorra hledá muže.

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  • tman1625347: Sansmitt, Nice to meet you. The computer stopped my first comment before I finished. You are a very attractive woman and you certainly don't look 42 years old. Where is Erts, Andora? It is just my luck. Why weren't you the girl next door when I was growing up? I wouldn't have spent much time at home. If you get a chance send me a message back. I grew up in a big family--3 brothers and a sister on a farm. Lot of hard work and long hours that kept us in great physical shape. We all left and went to college. Farming was changing rapidly from $250,000/yr operations to millions of dollars/year. I hope one day I get the chance to meet you. Best wishes to you,
  • Rumi53: Mas preciosa
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