meko_smithMeko Nedávno online

žena (38) z města Las Vegas, Nevada hledá ženu, muže.

Používám Icebreaker k navázání kontaktu s lidmi.

Icebreaker mi pomáhá s navázáním kontaktů s lidmi, kteří mě zajímají.

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Waxed or shaved???
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Strongly considering giving up red meat, FuckBook, and kik.
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I had to delete my k-k and lost all my damn messages, videos, and pics. I’m sad now. I lost all my #FAV vids
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My downtime is divided btw FuckBook and KIK
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Not sure about all, but this is my entertainment! I wanna see some nakedness dammit!
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Oops! I got in trouble for posting my k I k
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I'm a very visual person and I can tell the difference! Trust me!
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If you're on this site posting fake ass pics, what's your purpose???!
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