Blog uživatele fatbastard72



Random thoughts #1

Ladies.....dropping major coins at vicky secrets( or ashley steward or torrid for the full figured women) on lingerie is all well and good. And trust it is a very pleasing site. But sometimes....just sometimes....a tank top or a loose shirt with just a touch of cleavage exposure and either some boy shorts or some nice leggings...will often and i do mean OFTEN will result in getting that pussy pounded way quicker than putting on all those complicated straps n laces and whatnot just to have it ripped off to be ultimately naked. Basically what im saying less is more. Its the times when you are putting the least amount of effort in being sexy is when you are the most sexiest. Embrace your natural self. I as a man understand and recognize the thoughts n efforts yall put into yall appearances and i sincerely appreciate it. But some boy shorts n a tank top with no bra with no make up (but you still gotta smell good)...oh least by me will get that box beat up like a nerd at a bully convention...think about it. Lol

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