Blog uživatele strictly_vagitarian313



my rain

  • **Close the door

    turn out the lights

    the time has come, it is our night

    light the candles & let the scent fill the room

    slowly the music finds us as the passion builds

    we move close & our lips find one another

    slowly we begin the journey to bring out the storm building up within our bodies

    Baby. there's a storm deep inside

    only your touch can bring my rain

    The rhythm of our bodies take a ride

    unexplainable, orgasmic bliss & that feel good pain... as you bring my rain

    Slowly you trail kisses down my neck as you undo my bra

    Your mouth takes over my breasts, sending me n2 extacy

    Gently sucking , caressing, kissing oh the attention your showing

    My heart is now racing... my rain now flowing

    my rain has begun

    but things are not done...

    the storm within us is brewing,

    You'll have to wait for PART TWO because this is PART ONE! ** *

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