Blog uživatele Real9Luv



Looking for A Great Chick to Hold Me Down

I have two years left before I am finished my PhD and, I am taking them slow but, when I am going it alone, I often have, a much worse life which, hurts my work, work aimed at bettering the future of all things so, given, I have plans for my life and, future, after graduation, 

including relocation and, reassignment, not to mention, I have a future oversea's in a place 

outsiders must marry insiders. I am looking for a awesome chick to have a  couple of years 

with in a serious relationship with all the things that come with that, love, living together, holidays and, great sex but, all this, with an end date. I am thirty six and, looking for a twenty three year old, Black Woman or, White Woman to share my life with, maybe even as a 

"Sugar Daddy," I hate the term but, I plan on providing her all she needs and, setting Her 

future up right when we part. I am living in Philadelphia and, Looking...

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