Blog uživatele kaitlyn98



How I lost my virginity

I've always been a good girl. In high school I was very shy when it came to boys and never had a boyfriend, therefore I was a virgin going into my freshman year of college. For college I decided to go to a school in Madrid, Spain for the year. Mostly because I wanted to escape my parents and get as far away from Cape Cod as humanly possible. However..... I had some alterior motives. You see, I was also very chill in high school. I had never been … or gotten high before, and going to live in Europe for a year by myself, I was determined to have the full college experience. 

First semester was amazing. I traveled to 5 new countries and went clubbing twice. However, I was definitely not at the level of hoeness I wanted to be at by this point in my college journey, and what I mean by that is I was still a virgin, had only been … 3 times, and hadn't smoked weed at all. And so, for my New Years resolution I promised myself I would lose my virginity second semester. I simply wasn't trying hard enough, and if I put myself into some more situations that I would normally consider out of my comfort zone, I might actually find someone to lose it to. And so second semester I told myself I would never say no when someone asked me to go out clubbing with them, to a party, or to a bar. I stuck to this promise for the most part, with the exception of occasional sick days & late assignments needing immeadiate attention. 

The thing about Madrid is that the night life is fucking crazy. Madrid is the 5th largest city in all of Europe and has some of the most amazing clubs and bars on the planet. First semester I had gone to space monkey, an American college student favorite in the quaint little barrio of malasaña, also my favorite neighborhood in Madrid. And I had also gone to Kapital, the most well-known club in Madrid. This is due to the fact it's 7 floors, each floor plays different music, and the top floor has no roof. It was definitely an experience, but lacked the intimate atmosphere I was looking for. I wanted to be able to get close to someone, to dance with them, grind on them, to … makeout with them, sneak off to the bathroom or even go home with them. And second semester I definitely got my wish.

My roommate, Rose, was a tall skinny girl, also from Massachusetts. She's a virgin too, and a year older than me. I didn't find this out about her until after I had already lost my virginity, but it shocked me because Rose has a body like no other. She's lean, but toned because she's been an athlete her whole life and loves running, tall with legs almost as long as me, has a d cup chest, and had a cute little booty too if we're being honest. She's a little dorky though. She wears glasses, never wears any makeup, is a little plain looking in the face, and despite knowing far more Spanish than I, has an unbareable American accent that butchers the Spanish language. So while everything she said to Spanish men was right grammatically, she always sounded a little bit like an obnoxious tourist. Nevertheless, she liked to party. And she had a group of hot all girl friends that she would go out with. I declined going out with them a few times because I always felt like "the ugly one" of the group and I tended just to go out with Rose or my other close friends because I knew them better and was more confident around them. 

So one night Rose and I were determined to go out. It was a Thursday night which wasn't unusual for us. Our school made every weekend a three day weekend by not having any Friday classes. So we called up our friends and tried to recruit people to go out with us. Rose's friends were all busy but one of my friends, Sophia, wasn't. Now if you think Rose sounds hot, Sophia is a whole other level of hot. Like I would do Sophia and I'm most definitely straight. Sophia doesn't really have a booty or much of rack but she's stunning. She could honestly be a model. She's blonde, half Native American, so she has beautiful year round tan, from Canada, and 5'11. Her dream is to be a Victoria secret angel and I have 0 doubt she could do it. She once showed me pics of her in lingerie that she sent her boyfriend and I think my jaw literally hit the floor because damn. 

Anyway, Sophia shows up to our apartment around midnight so we start pregaming and figure we'll head out around 1-1:30am. This isn't weird for madrid, clubs don't reach their height until 3am and die down around 5-6am. So we begin drinking some 1€ don simon sangria spiked with tequila. Keep in mind the don simon sangria from the grocery store is pretty strong despite it being only a euro. So by the time Sophia, Rose and I get in the cab to go to the club Sophia and I are definitely … not messy … but more than buzzed. The club we were going to we had only chosen to go to because it was free entrance for girls on Thursday's. So normally, the line is pretty huge. Of course the day we go however, their is literally no line. Being … we thought nothing of it other than we're lucky. But once we got inside we realized that we were definitely not lucky. Literally no one was at the club. Maybe a total of 15 people were standing around the bar. The whole dance floor was empty though and no one was doing anything but sitting on their phones. 

While we were of course a little sad about it because clubs are obviously more fun when the dance floor is packed, we didn't let it deter us. We decided to make the most of it, especially because one of our favorite songs was on, and we danced. We were hoping that by grinding on one another, doing the whole "we're sexy … girls dancing on each other" bit, some of the dudes would join us. But, no luck. It was fun for about 2 songs and then we just felt lame because no one came to dance. So after 3 songs we called it quits and went to the bar. Mostly because I decided I needed to be a lot more … if I wanted to make a move on some guys tonight, and because Rose was not at Sophia and I's level. 

At the bar we decided to ask the bar tender why it was so dead, he told us it was semana santa, aka the "holy" week. It's the week before Easter and basically all of Spain shuts down and people take vacations or go to church or whatever. He said he didn't expect it to get much busier and that it had been like that for the past couple nights. Let down, we began brainstorming and thinking of other things to do or places to go. After talking for a few minutes though a guy comes up to Sophia. He taps her on the shoulder and goes "Sophia?" so of course she turns around and goes "Sage!". It was one of her friends from university (side note Sophia went to a different school that Rose and I in Madrid so she knew different people). 

Sage was easily 6'5 considering he was almost a whole head taller than Sophia. And me being 5'4, am more than a foot shorter than him. But I swear, almost nothing turns me on more than tall guys. Plus, Sage is really fucking hot, like tall, dark, and handsome, six pack, out of my league hot. He clearly put some thought into his outfit tonight and it compliments his lean muscular frame well, only making me want him more. ALSO, … me is usually very horny and very brave. But moving on, Sophia introduces us to him and we all start chatting. Eventually he asks us if we want to come back to his apartment and smoke some weed since it's so dead at the club. We agree and start making the 25 minute trek to his apartment. He lives alone.... and has a nice ass apartment. 

At this point in time I had smoked a few times with Rose and I's other roommate, Peter. Peter is my age, a huge stoner, and very gay. He has a hot Austrian boyfriend that he spends all his time with. Nevertheless, I was still pretty inexperienced with weed and had only really taken a couple of hits from a pipe before. So when we get to Sage's place he has us smoke a bowl with him. I take about two hits and so do Rose and Sophia before anything really happens. I couldn't tell if I was even getting high because I had never been cross-faded before and since I was already … it didn't feel like it was doing much of anything other than make me cough, I now look back on that night and realize how fucked up I was. But after two hits Rose starts to feel really dizzee and sick. So we all take a break from smoking and start a movie. Sage comes to sit on the couch between Sophia and I, and I can't help but notice his huge fucking boner. Like this dude is almost tenting his pants. I can't blame him, he has three girls in his apartment, all wearing minimal clothes, high and … as fuck. But I do my best to be polite and not say anything or stare at it. I am most definitely very horny at this point and 10/10 would/want to bang him. But Rose seems determined to ruin my night and runs to the bathroom. I of course run after her and Sage follows me and we find her puking in his … I feel so bad for Rose but I'm so fucking high and … I can barely focus. I do my best to hold her hair back and ask Sage if he could get her some water. She stops throwing up after a few minutes and insists she's fine and feels much better. We all drink some water and try to sober up a bit. 

I am getting very handsy at this point. Like I said, … Kaitlyn is brave. I'm leaning into him while we watch this movie and he has his arm around my shoulders. I eventually work up the courage to put my hand on his leg. I start trying to get Sophia's attention to let her know that I want her and Rose to leave. I'm giving her weird looks and head motions and everything. Rose runs out of water and Sage asks her if she wants some soda or something instead, hoping the bubbles might help settle her stomach. She says yes, so he gently untangles himself from me and gets up to go into his kitchen. As soon as he's out of ear shot I turn to Sophia and go, "I wanna suck his dick". Which is true, I do. I had no intentions of doing anything other than that that night. I wanted to start off slow and I figured the best way to do that was to practice oral before actually having sex for the first time.

Sophia just laughs at me and says she would too if she was single. I turn to Rose and tell her the same thing and she just turns more red and runs to the bathroom again. Sophia runs after her this time to make sure she's okay. After about 10 minutes of waiting to see Sage walk from his kitchen to the bathroom, I go into the kitchen to find Sage and see what's taking him to long. When I get into the kitchen I see he has changed clothes. He went into his bedroom on his way to the kitchen it looks like and threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. His boner is also gone.... which makes me think I know why he took so long. I tell him that Rose is throwing up again and that we should bring her the soda and a glass of water just in case. He agrees and hands me the water while he grabs the soda and I thank him for being so nice to us and say sorry on Rose's behalf, she isn't normally like this, she can usually hold her … but I guess the weed just isn't hitting her stomach well with the … He says it's cool and just feels bad that she is so sick. We walk to his bathroom together and find Sophia and Rose sitting side by side on the floor. Sophia has her arms wrapped around Rose and Rose looks like she's about to pass out. Sophia says, "I think Rose and I are gonna get an Uber back to her place, I'm not feeling so good either after watching her throw up". 

So I, being the good roommate I am, even as a … horny hoe with a Greek god standing next to me, offers to go back with them. Sophia just goes, "No, no, no don't worry about it. I can just sleep over your place tonight and make sure Rose gets to bed okay, you should stay here and finish watching the movie". At this point, I'm pretty sure mr.greek god Sage knows I don't wanna stay just for the movie. Either way, I send a silent prayer up to the gods for Sophia being such a good friend and I help them gather their stuff as they wait for their Uber. 

The second Sophia and Rose are gone I walk over to the couch and sit as close as possible without being on his lap, to Sage. We assume the same position as before with my hand on his leg, only this time it's much closer to his dick, which seems to be standing at attention again. We watch the movie for about 10 minutes until it gets to a sex scene (also pls don't ask me the movie as if that's what I'm gonna remember from this whole … night). I just remember feeling the tension in the room and being delightfully … and very wet. The next thing I know I'm on top of him on the couch. His shirt is off, I'm touching literally every inch of his beautifully sculpted torso while making out with him and grinding my ass and pussy into his cock with only his sweatpants and my jeans separating us. Before I know it we are in his bedroom and I'm ripping his clothes off to get to his hard cock. All I know is I want him in my mouth and I want him there now. 

Before this night I had never given a blow job before ever, so I don't where this intense desire to suck him off came over me but all I know is I lived my dream and sucked his dick on my knees in his bedroom. It was amazing, and I honestly don't get why girls hate sucking dick, like it was an experience and I loved it. Anyway, I'm on my knees and before I know it I'm throwing myself onto his bed, ass up face down. I'm completely naked and I have no idea how I got that way. Hell I don't even remember asking him to wear a condom or anything, I just know he wore one. But anyway, before I know it I'm having sex!!! And good sex! He was only like 4, maybe 5 inches hard but it was honestly great, so much better than masturbating. (Another side note, sorry. GIRLS MASTURBATE ALL THE TIME, PROBABLY AS MUCH AS GUYS. EVERY SINGLE GIRL FRIEND IVE EVER TALKED TO ABOUT IT SAYS THEY MASTURBATE EVERYDAY, IF NOT SEVERAL TIMES A DAY)

The rest of my memories from that night are basically one big euphoric blur. I remember that pretty much the rest of the time I was on top. At one point we "snuck" and by snuck I mean i held his hand and hid behind him while we walked from his bedroom to his bathroom because I was for some reason paranoid about someone seeing me naked? But anyway we snuck into his bathroom and proceeded having sex in the shower, which was pretty good because I'm a pretty flexible girl and can basically lift my legs into any position. And then I remember sucking his dick again at some point and after the shower sex he gave me towel and told me I could go into his room and he'd be in there in a minute. But I don't remember anything after that other than waking up the next morning next to him and sneaking out of his apartment. What can I say, it was a one night stand I don't think either of us expected anything else so I left and went back to my apartment, being extremely careful so I wouldn't wake him up. The very last thing I wanted to do was talk to him, especially not hungover. I guess he later texted my friend Sophia & asked for my number but I was kinda embarrassed/ashamed of myself and asked her not to give it to him. It was hard for me to tell how much of him liked me because he actually thought I was hot or because we were both very not sober and very horny. Either way, I never even told him I was a virgin (at least I don't think I did but I don't remember much of anything from that night) and I didn't wanna face him again. Since then I've had a few more … one night stands, most of which I don't remember fully, but again, … Kaitlyn is like a different person. I'm way more brave, hell I've never even had sex sober. 

Moving on, thanks for reading this and if you got to the bottom congratulations I guess, you now know the true story of how I, kaitlyn, finally lost my virginity at 19. Not that I gave you a very sexy description or anything like that, sorry I'm not an author. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and at the very least found some amusement in how embarrassing my life is

  • kaitlyn98: UGH IM SORRY! I forgot you can't write dr*nk on here, so every ... is "dr*nk"
  • agoodboy469: I enjoyed it, wishing I could meet you at a club sometime!
  • Shane972: Oh very nice I was wondering if you'd like to get together and have some fun I love oral sex I love to feel girls p**** melt on my tongue
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