Blog uživatele AnimeGirl34



New Years Agenda and Ideas for the future

Its the new year, nearly a month down, but I think it is time for a bit of a New Years Agenda (NYA)~

-New Years Agenda-

So, to begin, my NYA is a rather simple one. I don't have too many HUGE plans namely because I work a late job and normally don't have time to always be on Fuckbook. However, part of my NYA is to bring at LEAST 10 new hentai pictures to you guys a month (unless I somehow run out of ideas for a month) as a way of keeping myself active here. Another part into my NYA is to try and bring back more horny, lustful stories for you to read and enjoy. I feel like I have been lacking in that area for a very long time, plus it means that my brain actually has to work. I can't just sit here and think, "Oh yeah, that's a hot story. Let's just throw it in the bin for later aannnnndddddd we missed and hit the trash. .. . . Damn it."

Another part of the NYA is either make my profile more clear or start sending messages to explain things. I have it written in my account, "I don't accept no profile pic men/woman and will turn down your friend request if your picture is a cock, dick, or the like." and apparently people either don't take the time to read my profile or they go, "Oh look, hentai. Better send my dick so she likes me!" I've met nice people on here with cocks/dicks as their pictures before, but, as I so often have to say, I am not here to get laid. I am happy being me, a single soul who loves her dildos. Knowing me, I will update my profile at some point in the future anyway.


Ideas for the future of my new content that shows up here are rather hard to think up. I tried a theme style uploading pattern for a while and ran into complications where the hentai I wanted to add either violated some rule that fuckbook doesn't specify or simply was unappealing to me. However, I want to try out themes again. Maybe different anime one month and then a certain sexual pose for the next month.

Ideas for future blogs is harder to think of, namely because my writing spark comes in brief moments and fades away as quickly as it came. I want to try to work on a horny series that I wanted to do a long time ago called either, "Amanda in Space," or "The Horny Traveler" which followed a girl (either myself or a character) as she explored other worlds and was introduced to new cultures or the occasion new species cock. I have been thinking about this story line since I came to fuckbook but every time I want to write it just disappears before my eyes. Which brings me to something new for the NYA as well! If YOU guys have ideas for horny stories and want to see how I would make a story from it, please send them to me. I need help with ideas so any way they can come to me is great. If you have a story you want me to read, you can write it out in the message or send me the URL to your story and I will try to read it when I get the time.

So to recap, my NYA's consist of New stories (when my spark is back), new hentai each month (themed or not), and a new, more clear profile or blog that explains my rules and reasons behind them. I only ask one more thing from you guys, other than story ideas, and that is to please SUPPORT me. I am doing this on my own with my set rules for being here. Support by just liking my stuff or saying that you liked (example) really helps me out. When I constantly get, "You're hot, let's sex" makes me want to stay less because I am not here FOR sex.

Alright, that is all from me! I look forward to what this new year brings and I am hoping I can follow my NYA. Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it.

  • innerpink4: Thanks for explaining yourself. ...
  • Dirtytalken1: Regarding the ideas ; you could write those 'brief moment' an thoughts quickly in your "notes app" and eventually put them into one big flowing (your style) type of blog -just my 2 cents
  • hungry4pussy2eat: love to be a friend of yours bay
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