Blog uživatele CuriousLibido



So that happened...

So a while back I came across this dildo, the kind with a suction cup at the base. I thought it'd be funny if I could get it to stick to my hand or my chest, but the suction was terrible and body hair tends to get in the way. Do in my infinite wisdom I decided to stick this thing to my forehead.

It stuck there very well and looked equally as ridiculous. Like some sort of perverted unicorn with this pink Wang dangling from my forehead. I Gabe my head a few shales and it held on which was funny. But when I took it off I found I had given myself a hicky on my forehead, dead center. I tried to get rid of it but to no avail.

Next day I go in to work and of course I get some questions about it. I tried to pass it off as a sort of rash or from rubbing too hard on a patch of dry skin.

I have no doubt they questioned the legitimacy of that story but I can guarantee whatever they suspected, it was no where near the ridiculousness of the truth. Better to just let them wonder.

Oh and some free advice? Don't use suction cups on yourself.

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