Unquenchable's Blog



My top tips for picking up 'real" Girls on fuckbook

I decided to write this blog after being on the receiving end of one too many bad pick-ups. I hope it relieves some frustration on both sides of the fence.

1- Get an interesting profile pic

As a ‘real’ girl I get between 100-200 friend requests every day. Im not trying to brag, I am sure there are others that receive more; my point is that there is no way I have the time or the interest to view every one of those profiles in detail. So I browse through the thumbnails and choose a few that stand out. If 50% or more of those images are cock pics they are least likely to stand out and often get deleted without a second thought.

Choose a profile pic that makes you stand out. Even better something that instantly lets a girl know something about you- other than the size of your dick.

2- Active in the FB community

So your profile pic gets ‘clicked on’, you’ve grabbed her attention, now what? It surprises me how many profiles have one single photo and no status’ or information. If you want to entice a girl to add you as a friend reveal yourself! Show your personality through status updates (status’ that read ‘Im so horny, who wants to cam?’ don’t count). I know personally that when I see conversations and comments between other fuckbook users it gives me an idea on the character of the profile user I am viewing.

If she gets a sense of who you are from your profile she is more likely to be interested in pursuing a friendship further.

3- Photos

So you sent me a friend request, you haven’t chatted or sent me a message. Your profile pic sparked my interest, your profile status’ revealed you have a great sense of humor so I click on your photos and you have only one. Mmmmm, well that is a shame now isn’t it?! I’ve got 86 intimate photos Im considering sharing with you in exchange for seeing your one photo. 

If you are someone who just likes to look at images and not get into chat, at least trade photos fairly or don’t be surprised if I am not interested in adding you as a friend. Afterall, I am here for similar reasons as you. Show me your best bits and get me excited. The more excited and intrigued I am the more I am going to want to chat with you or meet you in person.

4- Dealing with fakes

Ok so there are too many fakes on here.. yep, they are the biggest frustration we have on this site. So how do you pick the fake profiles from the real? One method I use is to run their images through Google Images. How do you do this? Simply put you … the image onto your computer, open Google Images, click on the camera icon in the search bar and upload the image you wish to check. Google will then make a list of websites this photo has been used on before.

5- Multiple Friend Requests

I often see the same profiles sending me request after request only to be declined anything up to 6-7 times, and yet they never make contact in a different way. If there is a particular girl who takes your interest and you have been turned down over and over again send her a polite message and ask her why. Now two things can happen here:

a. She doesn’t respond, possibly because she is a fake or perhaps she doesn’t know how to nicely say she just isn’t that into you. If she doesn’t respond- give up.

b. She does respond and you start an honest conversation. I don’t add guys younger than 26, Its just me and if you ask me I’ll tell you why.

If you know why someone has been declining your friend requests then you know whether to give up or keep trying. Perhaps she was just waiting to hear from you so she could ask you about that blog you wrote.

6- Manners

So I have moaned about this previously and here it comes again. Guys, stop thinking with your dicks! Chat messages that begin with “You Sk y pe?”, “wanna cam”, “wanna see me cum?”, “wanna fuck?” are all too frequent and make me cringe. Often I block them instantly, other times you will find yourself on the receiving end of a sharp tongue. Whatever the response this method is rude and inconsiderate.

Fuckbook is a community of people, its not about fulfilling your needs. However, your needs WILL be met if you take the time to send a friendly ‘Hello, wanted to introduce myself. I’m…’

Don’t become a nuisance and send chats over and over when you are getting no response. When I get online I like to chat with my friends and often I will ignore strangers chat messages because I am already in a conversation. Send her a message to her inbox instead, let her get back to you in her own time if she wants to; but seriously DON’T SEND A DICK PIC!

7- Spelling

Check your spelling and language. No one expects you to be perfect but when simple words are misspelt or you write with poor grammar it reflects badly on you and may give the impression you’re not too bright.

8- Introduction

Lastly, I would suggest you enjoy friendships as you would in the real world, ask friends to introduce you to others. An introduction is often the quickest, easiest method of being added as a friend and starting a conversation.

Good luck!

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