jschuster1979's Blog



Such reality of of it all.

 Hello all i just joined this interesting site an before i even had a pic up i had a friend request. So using my open policy sure i'll be your friend. An then the fun began, I proceed to meet these girls that live an wanted to meet me. Now at first i was yeah , cool, but the little voice said,"Hello you really believe they live around you," now to tell that little voice that i call my conscious made me weary. So then they proceed to offer dates to me if i voted for them to be the hottie of tthey of the month. I sat an thought of this an in that time i had two more offers spring on up. Now i am one that enjoys myself with a good laugh, an yet can the really be from here i wondered. An so after a bit of drinking, sure why not they could be from here so what the hell i'll vote. To my surprise though i could not join a club like that an so I laugh apologized to these four ladies because still i don't think they live by me, but hey i can't fault them for trying to sell the American Dream because of course there are those ones that get hooked on the skirts of the dream. I got a good laugh though, so i hope i meet some that are not trying to sell me a pinto because truthfully to me that's not the American Dreams its the bottom. So, I hope that there is more to this place then that.
  • jschuster1979: So i venture into site an i am not shitting you the first person i speak with tells me that she there to guide me through to the other side
  • BabyGurl1970: lol. You just invited every spammer on the website to hit you up.
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