BigSexyJJr's Blog



A Random Rap: Part 2

The fake and real ones are 2 seperate tribes...

One lays down the truth while the other one lies.

Haters be hating and get mad at me all the time,

Simply because I refuse to switch sides.

I'm getting a little tired of educating,

One ear and out of the other... Are they even paying attention?

I guess not, but sadly, that's the reality of the current circumstances that plague society.

Double standards, lack and … of comprehension, neglect of love, empathy and compassion.

Just a small sample size of a list, that could go on and on, yeah you can get the picture.

Humanity is messed up upon repair, it's up to every one of us to make this world a better place.

It's not gunna be easy, but one thing's proven, no matter what happens we'll eventually overcome and get through it!

P.S. Yes, I was bored, I felt like writing this. Unless y'all prove me wrong, nobody's really gunna view, like and/or comment on this post like talking about it... Right??? 🤔🤔

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