user08037221209's Blog



I love crazy but SAFE crazy

What if I told you I had sex with a girl in her boyfriend's place while he went to work, Craziest shit I've done. She came from school to spend the week with him plus she has been horny for days. She & I have had sex before so it ain't the first time but this bf is a new one & she really likes him, not bf per say more like dude she's crushing on.

So he invited her to his place & when she expected prick dude was forming "I don't want to touch you" She buzzed me to complain & I laughed. I told her to seduce him. She said she had tried but he wouldn't budge, She even told him outrightly that she came for sex. His responce was he doesn't want to ruin anything, that made her very upset.

I went to work the next day & she told me if I was in VI I should please get her pizza because she's craving it, I said ok I would let her know when I'm done with my work. When I was done I asked her if it was ok to still bring the pizza, She said yes & sent me directions. I drove there after buying pizza & I gave it to her, She said she was home alone & I asked her how far, she said dude has still not touched her. I was just laughing, She then told me she was still mahd horny.

It was like she was planting an idea, I was like "when would he be back" she said we have time, mehn my dick stood.

She immediately undressed...

& I started to eat her pussy...

She moaned loudly & that got my dick hard...

After a while she pulled my dick out & started to suck...

I swear it was like a crime in progress...

I then got up to check the door was locked...

I took my trousers off & we started to fuck...

Slammed into her pussy like I was stealing it...

I was stealing it...

We fucked till she came 2ice, then I came like 20mins later. It felt so fucking good, She was like please don't cum on the bed lol. I ran to the bathroom to cum then flushed. I dressed up, pecked her then left. It was a wild adventure

Poor dude would come home not knowing his girl got fucked.

She assured me he closes from 5ish, I got there 2pm. Ample time to go 2 rounds sef... But I didn't push my luck, fuck won't kill me.

I love crazy but SAFE crazy

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