Horrneyguy100's Blog



My blog is about if the site works well or not

Sometimes I just feel like being taken advantage of it just seems like a lot of these sites now take your money and half the time the site doesn't work talk to people and then all the sudden your site's not working again so you have to wait two or three days for them to fix it do they give me that back no do they extend it no but if you didn't pay them oh boy they show you little should probably both ways today alone I must have replied to about 20 people that asked me questions and no answer one of which was somebody I've known from before so I called on the phone she says I don't see your message or your answer what do you do

  • Horrneyguy100: This goes along with the first blog about where I said eyesight is not working I'm sorry to all you people and what I expected well here we are my thing my site subscription ran out yesterday as you can see I got in touch with you vase for like two days before because my sight suddenly started working two days before it shuts off like basically the night before or the day before the ship's got your man out till I called them at least once every day or once every other day and they it's just an old everything's working fine no problems but yeah you I talk to you on from a different site about this site and with the way it's working oh no it's not that it's this that you would think well again here we are I said two days before my site subscription runs out sure s*** yep it is up and running perfectly it's funny cuz my subscription ran out they'd for actually two days which like I said ra
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