nastybating3528's Blog



then vs now

Ive always felt like ive existed just outside of what we all call humanity, up until two years I was a virgin..since then my drinkning and thinking have increased .

Much confliction quickly cured by … I say that because for a long time people have been confused as to what it is to be one with your sexuality without the profit becoming a factor.

I was born in the 80 but was raised as though everything makes a diffrence no matter how great or small.I beleive that the body is a Temple and temples should never come with price tags for admission.

We are all vesstles in the dark seeking thoes who would feel and think the same.

Ive gotten good at reconising peoplle that I would vibe with, but the circumstances for what we feel never seems too be on point with my feree time.

Im anti Valintines day but long for someone that could see the value in you and me vs the entire popoulation. so back then I would have let things be as they are but now, I feel this erdge too have my own space too truly find out who I am and what path I belong on.

because running the wall between the two can become draining..and with no one to tell the crazy things that happen too me kon the day to day is how I recharge or even cope with the things that peirce my bubble.and truly I am one who sees the value in fewer friends the longer the relationship can last...the more people involved drains the life out of what could be infinate posabilityies

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