Sally1998's Blog



I’m back

Sorry I’ve been away for while but had some shit to sort out 

I met a guy wasn’t my type at all but he had a good cock on him so thought just fuck him get what I need from it but then he was that good I kept going back for more well before I knew it I was staying overat his all the time then things changed he started to control me got me on drugs something I had never done and ashamed of myself for doing it then he would bring other guys home and except me to fuck them to keep him happy I did as at this point I thought I couldn’t be without him then it all went wrong he gave me some bad drugs I was out of it and helpless I couldn’t move and him and 5 of his mates took it in turns to abuse me I was helpless to fight them off after they were done they just left me on the floor covered incum and bruises it was at this point I got away went to … I was coveredin evidence and it was that evidence andthe dna and videos that got them convicted and locked up now 

And now I’ve finally got my life back together and back for fun I’m not letting this ruin my life I love sex and consentual fun I’m a stronger person from it all so don’t be afraid to talk to me and I’m here to help others who have had same experience

Thanks for taking time to read and understand 

  • BklynTG34: Hey sweetie welcome back glad you’re ok
  • Tury27: Good to hear you you will persevere and you are back.
  • BlendedPassion01: Such craezy fuckers only deserve lock ups for life time. glad you are back to normal life. Stay safe and happy now
  • innerpink4: Wow !...Keep your head up ....
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