firemothjoe's Blog



Help me Patrol for Spammers! We can fight back! ::Here's how::

Time to face the music fellas. There's no such thing as a woman who wants us just for sex. We're just going to have to resort back to tricking them into thinking that we are the Mr. Perfect Prince Charming who will marry them one day. Then hit it a quit it. It's what we've been doing since the stone age, why must the computer age be any different?

Still some unfinished business though: THIS WEBSITE. It's a wonder they haven't banned me yet. I know why. Because they know I would sue them. The lawyers would want to see exactly why I was removed. All I have done is speak the truth. This site is infested with spammers. I dare say less than .001% are actual women looking to hook up to satisfy their … cravings. So we all paid money that we could've spent on actual whores coming here just so we could get their stupid spam messages?

Want some revenge? Wanna fight back? Wanna get your money's worth? Let's give these spammers a hard time till our memberships expire shall we? Here's what ya do. If we all do this every time we log on, we will bring the spammers as well as the complicit … to their knees, and make them gag on it.

Patrol 1:

When you first log on, check your inbox messages. You may notice that someone living near you wants to hookup! Yippie!! ... wait a minute... she wants you to contact her using a different venue. Red Alert! It's a scam! But what if it's not?? You don't want to ruin your chances of shooting your load deep inside a strangers mouth or pussey do ya? Simply ask her for her phone number. Chances are she wont reply. But if she does give you a number, notice the area code? Does it match your area Code? If so, *67 and give her a call! And remember. Hit it and quit it, because you don't want anything to do with the drama in HER life!

Patrol 2

Now this is the important one. Patrol the Blogs!

Look for provocative posts trying to get you to meet her at another site. Lately, I've been see a lot from username Bitchy_Becky trying to get you to meet her at … Reply with one simple word: "SPAM!" it instantly ruins the entire thread and wakes up the potential suckers and reminds them to steer clear.

Doing these simple actions every time you log on will help subdue the spammers, harm their business, and make way for the real women with daddy issues for us fellas to further traumatize. We can do it guys!!


  • firemothjoe: Good Looking out jake! They're everywhere!!
  • wildo69: Ok, old friend Patrol 1 is irrelevant: 90s are over, and so are landline phones. With mobile phone you can travel from NY to LA and keep the number. out of area dial code means that she is a spammer, or maybe just moved in to your area. False positive error.
    Patrol 2 is not a way to go either. I have my thoughts about it, will write a blog now.
    Complaints is the way. Vigilantism is not your way - leave it up 2 …
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