deezire's Blog



Lavender and Vanillas

Ummm, he's watching. Nothing like getting an audience as you're coming out of a long hot scentual bath. The entire house smells of lavender and vanilla. I use the finest bath salts and oils. I must keep this pussy sweet. My aroma must invade your senses. And you like it. He has my towel. I rise from the water slowly... Letting him see all of this as I glistens. And the water rolls off my curves like mercury. He takes in a deep breath. Then smiles as he begins to pat me down, slowly, softly. I start to melt but won't let him know it. I feel my pussy throbbing. Begging to be touched. My nipples are so hard they ache. He is discretely blowing lightly in their direction making them yearn for his touch. The motherfucker... Just put it in your mouth dammit. Bite the bitch I want to scream, but two can play this game. He carries me to our bed and places me gently down. As he opens my legs; up rises the scent of Lavender and vanilla...

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