richybaggs's Blog



no fun for me

i signed up here atleast a month ago

it might seem

night after night

i visit this site

looking for someone

whos just right

who just wants

the same as me

to play and have fun,

to try new things

and here what others have done

with no expectations

other then to meet someone

with whom you can have fun

how ever after joining this site

right from day one

i noticed all the woman

had many things in common

the first being there profiles,

and where it says there from

surprisingly they all grew up

in your hometown

they say that so youll trust

them and follow them around

signing up for site after site

all night long and then poof shes gone

well im sick of it out of all the members their has to be one

the line has been drawn

if i dont meet a genuin woman ]

Iam never going to again loggon

good luck ladies i hope you find what your looking for

and only the genuin kindhearted woman need message me

im gone , comon! ladies comon

as they do to guys

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