Jackoffmolly24's Blog



Best friends till we die

I'm slender and short growing up I got called a bean pole a lot because of my slightly boyish figure. Allie didn't mind though even though she was the one all the boys gawked over. Perfect blonde hair, beautiful legs, her european complexion. everything about her made the mens mouth water. But most of all my pussy. She always had this cutesty tutesy attitude too.

One day when I was about fourteen and finally got my girly pillows. I went to her with a secret. I had no other choice you see. Now, although still slender I had two cute little tits that rested on my chest. And the boys where actually paying me some attention. I naturdally started early. Men are men you see especially the ones I am accustomed to. I lost my v card and I needed someone to talk to about it.. My mother was a little to uhum. busy for such chat.

So naturally I had Allie come over. When I told her she looked slightly jealous. "So you mean he put it inside you and everything?" "your so dirty.. dirty girl dirty girl you are such a dirty girl"

This may sound sexy to you but at the time i didnt think so . She made me cry. I secretly felt insecure and terrible I had been so loose. But since I had grown those two girl pillows I felt I hunger that need be fed.

"I was just joking.. omg are you ok I'm so sorry Rachael"

She came over and sat next to me on the bed she whiped every tear from my face. Ever since my father left she had been doing that a lot. but this time she moved closer..putting her hand on my leg. (i was wearing a skirt that day) she inched slowly with the tips of her figers up my long thin legs. Everyone alwways complimented me on how long my legs where and there she was touching them, longing to taste them. It made my pussy water at the very thought. She inched her two small hands up my skirt and began to feel my moist pussy stroking it softly and gently at first before putting her middle and index inside my tight … pussy hole. My thin body began to shake as I just sat there. I began to lose control of my body touching my breasts and my own body. I was in such a shock I had completley lost the concept of touching hers.

She began to pet my already dripping pussy waiting for the moment when I would call her name. I said nothing all i could do was guide her hand in and out of my pussy as she licked my chest up and down rythmicly first ever so slowly but then fast untill I couldnt stand it anymore AHHHH OHHH YOU BEETTCH. and there i climaxed all over her hands.

I had realized what happened and quickly pulled my panties back over my pussy and stared at Allie who not much to my suprise was licking all my juices off her cute little fingers :] now thats cheering up. Best friends for life.

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