SexyBlues696's Blog



Let It Go

Ok guys i never blog but today i wanted to share a message some might need to read , want to read or jus dont care to read. Take it however u want.

This is the last few hours left in 2019. With this being said, I choose to walk into 2020 with lighter shoulders and a clearer mind. Ive been hurt this year, heart broken.. Wht i have learned is that even tho it was a heart break it was also disguised as probably one of the best things that could have happened to me. He apparently was not wht i needed in my life. Blessings are often heartache s that we dont see at first. Not all but some.

If some one has hurt u, used u or done u wrong, let it go.. But dont forget. Never allow that person to do it again. Sometimes kindness is a weakness and people use that to their advantage. I see it daily.. Sad but very true.

I know wht i want in life, i kno my worth and i will not settle until i find it. U shouldnt either. I have alot of exciting but hard things coming up in my future and i must let all the negative go to allow room for the good.

When all is said and done and the clock strikes 12, who is going to be there for u and make sure u are OK?? YOU!! Kno ur worth and dont settle. The good will find u the good hearted will show. Build with them.

I got me!! Whos coming with me?


  • breskva: I am in
  • treeman222: Very nice 
  • BobbyG4631: Cheers to that
  • innerpink4: Here here ...
  • ThisSassyLady: I’m always here for you.  I loved what you just said and I’m happy you know your self worth    You have many friends on here yes but you also have real unseen but caring “FRIENDS” on here that hope for your well being    2019 may have been garbage but remember to pick out the good stuff you want carried into 2020 and toss out the bad.  Love ya girl 
  • redsmiith81: We back you Sweetie. 
  • Hornylength666: Absolutely 😍
  • agoodboy469: Very happy to see you positively moving into 2020 (and to have you back here again), as others have said we've got your back!
  • yefei69: Hi, baby, you are a kind girl. Being kind doesn't mean that you can be bullied and suppressed. Good people will have good returns. I wish you a happy dream come true as soon as possible.
  • cowboys202043: Well said.u r hot 😋🔥
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