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Shenyang metropolitan hospital a bunch of prostate problems thoroughly leng to surgery

"In ugg shoes shenyang city hospital, my father was misdiagnosed as prostate disease, were able to do the surgery, doctors appear not urinate after symptoms, more than half a month I had spent in the treatment of pain, a lot of sin. My daughter is very distressed, strong as relevant departments of urban ugg shoes online hospital requirements, and to compensate for my father!" In order to get a father, ms. Lee to its final 96123 citizen hotline.Love is not invite trouble "check"

Lao li, because in ZhangWu county departments and shenyang city hospital caring health inspection activities, on July 9, his wife and daughter came to shenyang city hospital inspection bodies. "The doctors told my dad a lee with prostate disease, request sinus tract involvement surgery, and treatment by yuan. I only brought their parents ugg shoes shop money at 1000 yuan, bill beat the surgery. That night, my dad is not home to urinate, don't handle county hospital early to suppress the city wall, return the hospital, my father sent to hospital, did not leave hospital 463 in outpatient service on the two urban hospital and put my dad picked up and left hospital treatment for a few days."

Because of illness, not ugg shoes online shop thoroughly with ms. Li's father to shenyang military hospital inspection, examination results are not prostate disease, but cystitis, difficult because the surgery urethral injury.Some problems found a hospital

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Patients with high compensation"Misdiagnosed, wrongly surgery, and urban hospital violetion toss in a negative attitude, that makes me feel very angry, my family with the negotiations ugg mini boots ended, under the situation of compensation to 96123 turn, if not 96123 help, I have prepared a lawsuit. Ms king whyte out "a" determination, to get a fair for his father. On September 9th, journalists and ms. Li telephone communication, she said urban hospital has entrusted with her lawyer, both sides signed the agreement, will solve before and after treatment process of medical expenses ugg mini ankle boots and lost wages or relief, etc. According to the amount to thousands of yuan, in addition to a name and compensation "high". wjj

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