Spiralout's Blog



what I have found

I seek knowledge. I seek truth. I'm learnig and growing in body, and mind. Forever trying to find my center. I looked in the mirror, and observed what I saw, and wrote it all down the good, bad, and flawed. So who am I? I question myself. And what I found is a thinker, a dreamer, a lover a friend, a shamed broken vessle with a life on my hands. I can act goofy, sometimes downright obsurd, sometimes I get angry, … off and perterbed. I dream of a time when a noble trumped a fool, but those days are gone and stupid people are cool. What happened to chivalry, valor, and love? And why do people no longer seek guidance from above? Where are the Knights to defend the sweet girls, from the evil that poisons and devours this cold world? I"m sick of the hypocrites, the liars and fool's, and all the mellow dramatic bullshit from narcissistic tools. I stand my ground and defend my beliefs. I'll fight for them endlessly tooth, nail, tongue, and cheek. I'll never surrender to the worlds twisted ways, Always dreaming of better and more beautiful days. through all of the darkness and hell in my past, I thank god to be standing instead of fertilizing grass. One time I died, and I went straight to hell. But they brought me back and I feel stuck in this shell. My view on life that day did change when I lost a dear friend I went kind of insane. I wandered through darkness searching for a light a reson i'm here, why I was brought back that night.That reason is simple, now clearly I see. I was given a second chance, thats good enough for me. So I vow this oath for the rest of my days, to strive to be better in every possible way. To adhere to a code of conduct for life, to be honest, and vigilant, a modern day Knight. I hope only to be the best that I can, and find myself a princess to offer my hand. And one day … to raise the right way and teach them to cherish every day. Cause one thing i've found is that life here is short, so dont take for granted, embrace every day. Cause you never quite know when it will all go away..

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