Thickhardcockready2fuck17's Blog



Total bull

After being here for many years it is plainto see that there are a lot of fakes on here or people who just don’t wanna talk. I’m thinking they rule u out cause u like hours away or ain’t exactly your type. Ya I get it we all have standards but is it really that hard to message someone and talk to the, maybe they are a better person than you think, or maybe they just want a little fun too. No instead they would ratherignore messages from people who want to talk and then complain cause they can’t find anyone to hook up with or talk to them. Why blame everyone else when it’syou own fault that you ain’t getting anywhere. I have sent messages to people and never get a reply at all yet I keep trying. Well maybe not anymore I think I’ve abput had it with all the fake people on here

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