curiosityAteTheCat's Blog



Silly Kid Shit

A girl messaged me and sent me a request. Before accepting, I looked over her profile to see what I can gather. She made post that said basically all that talking and texting shit isn’t for her. “Are we fucking or not.” What she’s looking for is not what I’m looking for. I want friends with benefits but she just wanna fuck. So I messaged her back telling her that what she posted makes us incompatible. She says, “I didn't write anything this is a new page, if you wanted to know something you should’ve just asked, wtf are you That’s so Raven...” imply that I read minds. I sent her what I saw and she continued, “I should’ve jump to conclusions, I should’ve just ask what she looking for- that’s a turn off.” I said why ask when I can read? You put stuff up expecting for people to read it ahead of time so you can know what’s up! Needless to say, I’m too old and mature for silly kid shit! 

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