innerpink4's Blog



Angie Varona. ...

Most of us guys and gals who browse the sites recognize her instantly. ..No matter how current or old the photos are we know ...I must be a fan ...

  • innerpink4: Hahaha. ...Also have a crush on Demi Rose too ...Can't remember her married name ...
  • innerpink4: I see cropped pics of her and I can tell it's her .....
  • innerpink4: And they still try to use her pics ...
  • Gspotlapper: Yes and Irene 57 it's one of those cases where she crop pictures of angie, and I dated Irene 57 15 months before I find out she was a confirmed scammer she got me for over $10,175.00 so beware gentleman I mean 57 will take your money and won't look back that she hurts your heart so beware if you have any questions feel free to contact me
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