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The craziest things women did to their vaginas in 2017

source: https://ia.meaww.com/read/bizarre/the-craziest-things-women-did-to-their-vaginas-in-2017

Let us close 2017 with a list of things that one must not do next year. Some people's extra creativity left them with injuries while others narrowly escaped disaster. When it comes to sex and experimentation, people are willing to do some pretty weird shit which does not always get the required satisfaction or result.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission's database of ER visits included very random items such as a bike reflector, a phone, and cash. Doctors had their work cut out for them when it came to treating these patients who were in extreme agony due to their extra ambitious and creative minds.

The average length of a vagina is 9.6 centimeters and most of the items exceeded that capacity and required medical assistance to remove it as safely as possible.

This year also saw the rise of the strangest vaginal trends which were introduced as a way to tighten, clean, and help rejuvenate the vagina.

These Were The 9 Weirdest Vagina Trends Of 2017


9) Y o n i Oil


This is the latest and most unnecessary trend. It is also potentially dangerous and can do a lot of damage to the vagina. Yoni oils are produced in big numbers and treated differently by the various distributors and sellers. Most of them are made from herbs, oils, and petals though they also contain some harmful ingredients such as tea tree oil (can burn the mucosal lining) and sugars (which can cause yeast).

8 ) Glue


A woman called Daniel Dopps created Mensez, which is a lipstick to help ladies counter heavy period flow. Mensez does not just paint your vagina lips a nice shade but it also glues it shut. It is described as a natural combination of amino acids and oils. The seal holds everything together until the person goes to the bathroom when it disintegrates. The biggest problem of this is the fact that it can cause abrasions and could make the lips get glued together. This would then have to be surgically treated.

7) Jade Eggs


Gwenyth Paltrow's lifestyle website, GOOP, suggests putting a jade egg into your genitals and keeping it all day while you are sleeping. The eggs are sold at $66 per piece and allegedly help in boosting orgasms and increasing vaginal muscle tone. However, according to gynecologists, the eggs will do more harm than good. Jade is porous and leaving it in while you sleep can lead to bacterial infections or even Toxic Shock Syndrome which can be fatal.

6) Vulva Lipstick


Vmagic claims that it can treat things like itchiness, discomfort and dry skin. It is a product which is totally unnecessary and promotes the fact that it will keep your vagina balanced and moisturized. However, Dr. Maria Isabel Rodriguez says," vulvar skin is very sensitive, and does best without any special soaps or shampoos."

5) Garlic

Some women have actually attempted to cure and treat yeast infections by putting garlic into their vaginas. It is true that garlic has anti-fungal properties but that doesn't mean that one should shove garlic cloves into the vagina. It will only lead to inflammation of the area and even possibly a soil infection.

4) Tightening Sticks


According to a gynecologist, Dr. Jen Gunter, "The lack of wetness and pain from the (potential) abrasions may cause the pelvic floor to spasm during sex (not in a good way), and this will tighten the vaginal opening (which can make insertion painful). Practices that dry the vagina are known to increase the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections and make sex painful for the woman. It's like over washing your hands until they are dried and cracked and bleeding but achieved in 2 minutes. In the vagina."

3 ) Steam

Gwenyth Paltrow endorsed the Mugwort V-Steam procedure at the Tikkun spa in Santa Monica which has also been heavily criticised by experts. The steam that ends up entering the vagina can also migrate to the fallopian tubes or the abdominal cavity. There have been cases where women have died due to too much water or air pressure inside their vaginas.

2) Wasp's Nest


Some women are resorting to using oak galls (tree deformities created by wasp nests) as a way to rejuvenate and tighten their vagina. One retailer claims that the galls could improve sex life and also be used on abrasions with a warning that the paste will burn and hurt. This strange method could result in painful sex, a lack of healthy bacteria, and also an increased risk of contracting HIV.

1) Detox Balls


According to Embrace Pangaea, a company that manufactures detox pearls, the cleanse treats the "toxins from a poor diet, chemical-based environment, and emotional stress (that) can get stuck in your womb." However, medical professionals disagree completely and are of the belief that the detox balls will not only disrupt the good bacteria but the textured mesh on the balls will irritate and scratch your vagina causing rashes and infections.

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