jithsaam's Blog



Female Erogenous Zones

Foreplay is the key to a climax or orgasm, but the build-up to orgasm is different for men and women.

For female orgasm, there are certain pressure points or female erogenous zones that help a woman reach climax. Here are the top five pressure points for female orgasm.


Indulging in touching, fondling and sucking of the breasts helps women reach orgasm at a faster rate. Breasts are considered one of the best pressure points to reach climax.


The area at the genital, above the pubic hair is called mons. It is known as the G-spot or pressure point to stimulate women. Feel confident about your body and genitalia to have frequent orgasms.


Pecking on the neck or caressing of the neck is pleasurable to for women. Begin with a shoulder massage and end with heightened orgasm.


Ankles and the toes too can help reach orgasm. Rubbing the area between ankles and Achilles tendon produces pleasure. But there are different pressure points on the leg and the sole of the feet too. The key is in finding the spot as different women have different pressure points.

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