freakneek803's Blog



All I need.

  • Real Shit

    Current mood: adored

    Category: Blogging

    This is what Creator handed me, Its your thoughts, Its your thought process, Its in the way you move, In the way you say Word! Say Word?!! Aho. Mado. Turahe. Ahehee. Tsego. Say word!! We use words to empower, To progress.

    Never to digress.

    To serve. To say thank you. To look my best. To be.

    To be of truth. To love, your best My love for my identity. My breath. My spirit. [Never] ever to expect second best Indigenous woman.

    Its your way. Like the shine from the stars.

    The beauty in beadwork. The beauty of grandma. Its my way.

    To keep negativity as a stranger. To never be jealous, envious, vindictive.

    To never snag a Fella.

    Instead I choose to snag my dreams. Ambition. Consciousness. To be a light. Its my way.

    My love.

    My love for being an intelligent, progressive, beautiful, bold, Indigenous female.

    A native woman.

    Never separated.

    Its in my thoughts.

    Created for greatness.

    That’s all I am.

    And that’s all I need. ---LeAndra Bitsie

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