dantestroker59's Blog



She's pretty cocky

She was a … she had more than just a few tendencies to see how far she could go without getting us in trouble. We had been together over the course of a few months and we were at a college football game on a brisk Autumn afternoon. Thankfully, we were sharing a blanket and she snuggled next to me, and began fondling my rapidly expanding cock while surrounded by people both behind and to the side of us. She had my cock rubbing against the blanket and whispered, "you want me to put that wet thing in my mouth?"

The excitement caused my cock to stiffen harder, so she decided to play a game with my cock. "Tell you what-- we score a field goal and I'm gonna stroke you three times, We score a touchdown I stroke you six times with a hard squeeze on your balls for an extra point." I laughed-- the team was a defensive beast, the chances of getting off this way were low. "I'll let you and I'll double down the offer," I replied. "Every time a team scores you get a stroke, so if these guys end up beating us, you'll be beating me off." She brightened at that prospect, "Every time the team scores you get all the strokes. If we are at 24 points, I;m gonna give you 24 strokes; If they have 30 you'll get 30."

Well, I was in trouble by the first half. 28-28 at halftime and all I wanted to do was fuck her brains out. She kept playing and stroking every time. Third quarter was massive. Both teams were scoring at will and my cock user was enjoying my every moan I whispered in her ear. I felt as if I could personally give every cheerleader my cock at that point of the game...

Then, trouble. The kind of trouble I find myself in all the time with nasty women... Her friend "Geena" whom she knew turned me on anyway walked toward us and sat down in her tight hip hugging jeans with spiked heeled boots that went above her knees, Right in front of me. My cock was so hard and throbbing I didn't know how she didn't see what my cock abuser was doing to me. "Geena" spread her legs open as if to say hello and my cock abuser says "It's cold up here, G-- you want to share our blanket?"

I felt my load nearly ready to shoot as she smiled in a way I never had seen her smile before. "I really need to get my hands warm..." My cum shot all over the underside of the blanket as G seemed to know what was going on.

We got back to her apartment and I decided it was time to put my nasty cock to good use. I fucked her in the shower and when we had washed ourselves clean and dry... It was time to get nasty again. "You want me to call G?" she asked, seeing my cock get hard again with the mention of her sexy friend. "No..." I replied "But if you tell me that from now on, we may never leave the bedroom..."

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