Sigfried78's Blog



Definition of Happiness

Finally came the day, to weeks they had given us our house, but we could not release it together.

She was traveling with her boss. It was an important business trip and was sudden.

I had worked during those weeks in his absence in order the house and leave perfect for his return. Finally we would start our life together, gone were the doubts and farewells half on its website.

We were willing to live together and finally our wishes would come true.

I waited at the airport the arrival of his plane, she certainly did not expect, I had ordered that he thought he could not go to collect it because of my work.

It was Friday and we would have all weekend to resume our relationship in the best way in our home. He had left a surprise at home, waiting for our arrival.

As I watched the show at the airport I began to smile. And when she saw me, his face a mixture of surprise and happiness, dropped the suitcase and hugged me. After two weeks returned to her in my arms, and kissed look. He was a passionate kiss between two people who really love. A kiss that lasted a moment, but intense and full of passion.

We picked up his suitcase and went to the car. Upon arriving home leave open the door with his set of keys and key Sponge Bob.

When he opened it and looked inside his reaction he was to kiss me. He said he wanted me and with tears in his eyes walked home.

The surprise had worked, the entrance hall and the house was filled with candles in the living room a chandelier with candles lit the table waiting for us for a romantic dinner. But the surprise did not end there, candles continued down the hall bookmarking the bathroom. Inside the candles around the tub full of water with rose petals and bath salts inside, a bath to release our fantastic start in our home.

She was speechless, but very excited, his expression said it all, stripped off and got into the tub, she stood before me with her back to me. I began to gently massage her back and shoulders. Gradually she was relaxing in the hot water and the bubbling effect of salts.

I hugged her and started kissing her neck, slowly and gently, while my hands caressed her breasts.

She was left to do, let alone he loves her and I wanted to love her.

While still kissing her neck slide one of my hands to her pussy, slowly get to my destination and she gave me the task by opening her legs, I began to masturbate, first around her clitoris slowly, then accelerating the pace a bit, she cocked head and we merge in a kiss, our tongues playing with each other, as if they had never done before.

As we kissed I introduced one of my fingers on it, I slowly increasing the rhythm of my movements, to give more pleasure. She emitted light moans of pleasure, and with one hand grabbed my erectile member and began to masturbate.

Gradually the pleasure was increasing, she released me and turned.

Then slowly stood over me and I could penetrate, she moved her body slowly, smiling and surrounded me completely with her legs and arms. Again we kissed, while the rhythm of our bodies grew a little more each time, we get carried away by our passion and time and time again our movements took us pleasure. Every movement was rhythmically, in and out of it more and stronger, until we reach the end.

Just then, we kissed again.

Then I left the water, up in my arms, take her to our bed and said:

- And now we'll make love !!

If this is not happiness, nothing is. Obviously we not eat dinner that night ...

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