account322619's Blog



if you're local then you should share

I've been here on this site for a few weeks on fuckbook and astonishingly I have not FUCKED! I've had one good conversation which had she been local I may have fucked. Am I doing something wrong, there are many of you out there that i've hit up and recieved scant responses at best. I'd just like to meet people to have sex with, not get all tied down andgetting emotionally attatched, WTF? SEXUAL GRATIFCATION! Isn't that why we signed up here? Who knows i may just be that unattractive guy that no one wants to fuck, whatever it is, I'd like to hear from locals' southern California area. no offense to the other members on Fuckbook cuz if I had my way, I'd be in my teleporter to visit each and evewry one of you!!

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